Whether you're looking to join a cooperative, partner with like-minded organizations, or simply learn more about the cooperative movement, bookmark this developing page to help you “find yourself.” Explore the diverse world of cooperatives and see how cooperation is shaping a better future for all.
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Our Cooperative Directory
In partnership with iCoop, whose mission is to help grow cooperative circular economies. We want at least 42% of Filipinos to be members of cooperatives!
1 Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines Life and General Insurance (1CISP)
ACDI Multipurpose Cooperative (ACDI)
Barangka Credit Cooperative (BCC)
Cooperative Health Management Federation (CHMF)
First Community Cooperative (FICCO)
King Multipurpose Cooperative (King MPC)
Koop King Multipurpose Cooperative (Koop King MPC)
Mission Hospital (Pasig MMG)
One Cooperative Bank (One CB)
One Cooperative Technology Services (OCTS)
Philippine Cooperative Center (PCC)
San Dionisio Credit Cooperative (SDCC)
Simbayanan ni Maria Multipurpose Cooperative (Simbayanan)
Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC)
Xavier University Community Credit Cooperative (XUCCCO)
Wishlist for One Cooperative Tech
One Cooperative Technology Services is the 1st technology service cooperative in the Philippines. Join One Coop Tech today!
Campfire | Discord | One Coop Marketplace | Fairbnb | Workbook
A nice video walkthrough for Campfire.
100% Free Open Source and AI Tools
We love open source and open protocols.
Startups We Wish Were Cooperatives
A wise man once said, our goal is “a cooperative version of everything.”
Angkas | Transportify | Primal | eFishery
CoopPay is the Way!
CoopPay is the first Lightning wallet for cooperatives in the Philippines and around the world. It will be a super app. It shall be an everything app!
Visit the Coop BookShop!
- Try CoopPay—the world’s first Lightning wallet for cooperatives—at Buy.coop, The Co-operative Exchange
- Support ChatMPC via the Lightning Address coop@pouch.ph or by using the online payment link https://app.pouch.ph/coop