Starlink for cooperatives

Letters of Lyman are a series of dispatches to friends and maybe enemies going back 20 years. The writer writes freely and sometimes or most of the times, every time, for no discernable rhyme or reason. Parental guidance is advised.

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Let’s get ‘phygital’

Letters of Lyman are a series of dispatches to friends and maybe enemies going back 20 years. The writer writes freely and sometimes or most of the times, every time, for no discernable rhyme or reason. Parental guidance is advised.

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Your Own Private Venice

Venice utilizes leading open-source AI technology to deliver uncensored, unbiased machine intelligence, while preserving your privacy.

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Lets Chat: Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin miners compete to solve math puzzles to earn the right to add a block to the chain of blocks called the blockchain, a decentralized ledger that records all bitcoin transactions. But The Great Yan explains it 21X better.

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Be a noderunner!

A bitcoin node stores a complete record of all bitcoin transactions ever made. This record is essential for verifying transactions and ensuring the security and decentralization of the bitcoin network.

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World War Zed

Zed is the first neobank to offer credit cards as a standalone issuer in the Philippines. Zed doesn’t just rely on traditional credit scores to set limits. They use smart credit limits based on your current income and future potential.

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Our copilot’s name is Leo

A generative AI platform that transforms text, sketches, specs, and CAD constraints into DFMA-optimized, full-assembly 3D CAD models.

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There IS a perfect dance

Letters of Lyman are a series of dispatches to friends and maybe enemies going back 20 years. The writer writes freely and sometimes or most of the times, every time, for no discernable rhyme or reason. Parental guidance is advised.

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