15 posts

Artificial Intelligence

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7 Principles for AI
7 Principles for AI

AI-powered tools can facilitate inclusive membership drives, reaching out to underserved communities and fostering diverse participation. AI-powered automation can augment human labor, reducing repetitive tasks and allowing members to focus on higher-value activities.

by Chat.coop
The AI Wars: Grok vs GPTs
The AI Wars: Grok vs GPTs

ChatGPT-4 can see, hear, and speak, and even create new images simply by describing them in natural language. Users can also build their own GPTs without any code, using simple instructions.

by Chat.coop
The small thing with Big Data
The small thing with Big Data

Innovations and solutions that drive cooperatives forward often stem from the inventive minds of cooperative members and leaders, inspired by data at their disposal.

by Chat.coop
Big Data in Sun Tzu's Art of War: A Guide for Co-op Boards and Management
Big Data in Sun Tzu's Art of War: A Guide for Co-op Boards and Management

Just as Sun Tzu's teachings offer insight, other philosophical giants like René Descartes, Confucius, and the Stoics have echoed the importance of knowing oneself. This collective wisdom, which traces its roots back to ancient Greece with the Delphic maxim "Know thyself."

by Chat.coop
How AI will transform decision-making in Cooperative Boards
How AI will transform decision-making in Cooperative Boards

AI is a tool that augments human judgment rather than replacing it. With the right strategies in place, cooperative boards can navigate the evolving landscape of technology and steer their organizations toward a brighter future.

by Chat.coop
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