15 posts

Letters of Lyman

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Vanguard CEO replaced by BlackRock bitcoin man
Vanguard CEO replaced by BlackRock bitcoin man

While BlackRock was launching bitcoin ETFs, Vanguard CEO was lazily asleep. Woke up, got replaced.

by Lyman Manzanares
Why is CoopPay bitcoin-only?
Why is CoopPay bitcoin-only?

Built in the Philippines, CoopPay is the world’s first Lightning wallet for cooperatives. It is bitcoin-only, meaning it doesn’t do “shitcoins” like tokens and all that blockchain buffoonery.

by Lyman Manzanares
CoopPay is the Marc Rebillet of Wallets
CoopPay is the Marc Rebillet of Wallets

So much history happened in the last two days with OpenAI and Google I/O 2024 that I decided Marc Rebillet should be the opening act for CoopPay today.

by Lyman Manzanares
Hara-kiri of Yuval Noah Harari
Hara-kiri of Yuval Noah Harari

This best-selling pseudo-intellectual thinks it’s actually a good idea to give banks and governments the ability to create more and more money out of thin air.

by Lyman Manzanares
Be guided by beauty
Be guided by beauty

True in doing mathematics or writing poetry, but also true in fashioning an organization that is running extremely well and accomplishing its mission with excellence.

by Lyman Manzanares
TGIF to Filipino Cooperativism*
TGIF to Filipino Cooperativism*

The story of money, banking, and CoopPay, featuring a 30-minute video by Lyn Alden. It was a bit of a zig and a zag before CoopPay—the world’s first Lightning wallet for cooperatives—rose miraculously.

by Lyman Manzanares
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