On the contrary, the child of modern distress, utters his first cry in the borrowed robes of charity: is indebted perhaps, to a stranger, for that food which ought to make him still longer a part of his mother: then, as soon as he has found his feet, runs the round of courts and alleys : picks up the vice and filth of a crowded city : learns to lie, and tell a hardened tale at the Overseers’ board: forced in due time to earn a part of his pittance, in the close, unhealthy, crowded manufactory, begging the other part weekly, as a charitable boon, or demanding it sulkily, as a legal right: till open, or legal vice makes him in turn a parent, “ like father, like son,” to transmit bis depravity and misery to posterity; a noble subject for the wits of legislators.

Such is too often the picture of the modern workman. Such, in our last number, we shewed was the history of many a family, who were once worthy, and knew better days. Their best days have been given to enrich their masters; their worst days remain as a portion for themselves. Nevertheless, let them not despair. Having sought for independence in one direction, and found it not, let them look for it in another.

As their masters cannot make them independent, let them look to ONE ANOTHER. Let them consult together. Let them improve their minds. Let them examine the principles of CO-OPERATION. Let them learn to look upon each other as friends—not as foes: as friends, working for one another, and enjoying the whole produce of their labour, not as foes, working against each other, and so giving the greater part of the produce of their labour to their masters.

Our motto is, that “knowledge and union are power ;” that is, that the working classes, by uniting with one another in labour, in cultivating, improving, and enlightening their minds and hearts, by acquiring useful knowledge, and a disposition of friendship towards each other, would obtain the power of making themselves independent : the power of rising above want : the power of commanding all the comforts of life: the power of spending their old age in peace and plenty: the power of bringing up their children in industry, virtue, and religion: and thus, the power of being happy here in TIME, and happy hereafter in ETERNITY.

Societies upon the principle of Co-operation have been established at the following places: —

36, Red Lion Square, London;
37, West Street, Brighton:
10, Queen's Place, Brighton:
20, Marine Place, Worthing:

Where Works on the subject may be had.

To be continued Monthly.


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