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Vivid vision and imaginations of an imaginary cooperative bank board
Vivid vision and imaginations of an imaginary cooperative bank board

A user-friendly digital banking platform would enhance convenience and accessibility for our members, improve internal workflows, enhance member services, and ensure data security.

When something smells fishy good!
When something smells fishy good!

The first aquaculture technology startup in Asia, eFishery offers an end-to-end platform that provides access to feed, financing, and market to fish and shrimp farmers.

The Co-operator. August 1, 1828, Part Three
The Co-operator. August 1, 1828, Part Three

The working classes should begin by having shops of their own. These shops should belong to a small number, who should form themselves into a society for that purpose. They should pay a weekly subscription, to go to form a common fund. They should deal as much as possible with their own shop.

The Co-operator. August 1, 1828, Part Two
The Co-operator. August 1, 1828, Part Two

It is evident from these, that however valuable capital may be, it is not necessary for BEGINNING Co-operation—but that the basis, and secret of Co-operation is LABOUR.

The Co-operator. August 1, 1828, Part One
The Co-operator. August 1, 1828, Part One

If a number of workmen were to join together, upon these principles, their capital would be greater, and they might do greater things. They might have a shop of their own, where they might all deal, for everything they wanted.

The Co-operator. July 1, 1828, Part Four
The Co-operator. July 1, 1828, Part Four

The power of making themselves independent : the power of rising above want : the power of commanding all the comforts of life: the power of spending their old age in peace and plenty: the power of bringing up their children in industry, virtue, and religion.

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